Chintan hosts a library comprising research and publications on solid waste, recycling, the informal sector and other related issues, from across the world. Our library comprises reports, magazines, papers, films etc.
Our library is open to researchers during working hours for use within the office premises. Researchers require prior appointment but cannot be guaranteed time if the staff has more pressing work of direct use to waste recyclers.
- The Garbage Implosion Study of Solid Waste in Delhi, Its Disposal, Accumulation and Remedies; May 1995
- A Srishti Report
- Report of the Committee to Review the Structure and Working of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi; 28 February 2001
- Government of the National Capital territory of Delhi
- ISS Manuscript Report 14 Solid Waste Management in Delhi
- Exploratory Study on Local Government – Community Interface
- Archana Ghosh, Institute of Social Science
- Handling the Campus Garbage a Cleaner, Environment Friendly Way
- The Garbage Implosion: The Residential Sector
- A first quarterly Srishti Report; 1994
- Public Private Partnerships Project in Collection, Segregation, Transportation and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste in South Zone, Central and City Zone (RFP Document); 2003
- Solid Waste – Collection, Segregation, Transportation of Municipal Solid Waste in Central Zone
- Pilot Project on Segregation of Household Waste; March 2004 (Annexure)
- Pilot Project on Segregation of Household Waste, March 2004 (Process Report)
- India International Centre Delhi’s Solid Waste – And Possible Interventions
- Shri Ravi Agarwal, Srishti
- A look At Delhi’s Landfill
- Note on Nehru Place, Phase I, Commercial Office Complex Along With An Indicative Scheme for Clean-up and Maintenance (Description)
- Environmental Concerns for Human Development – Report of Delhi (Draft Report for Workshops)
- Winrock
- Solid Waste Management in MCD Area, Phase I Report; 1996
- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
- Executive Summery, Integrated Municipal Waste Processing Complex and Timarpur, Delhi
- Timarpur Waste Processing Company Pvt. Ltd.
- Waste Management Initiatives
- Delhi Pollution Control Committee and Department of Environment
- Toxics dispatch- A Landfill in Midst of Asola Forest
- A newsletter from toxics link; October 2001
- A Chapter on – Public Participation in Solid Waste Management and Clean City Programme
- Souvenir-Cum-Fair Directory
- Paperx 2001
- Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Pulp and Paper Industry; 14th - 16th December 2001
- A Publication of World Pulp and Paper Industry Vol. 5, Issue 4
- Parivesh Newsletter: Cleaner Production Options for Pulp and Paper Industry (Sept 1997)
- Economic and Environmental Impacts of the Waste Paper Trade and Recycling In India, a Material Balance Approach
- Draft Towards Zero Effluent Pulp and Paper Production, the Pivotal Role of Totally Chlorine Free Bleaching; January 1996
- Sectoral Performance Report, Pulp and Paper Industry
- Green rating of India Industry Project, CSE
- The Green Peace Guide to Paper
- Integrated Environmental Management: A Pilot Study of the Pulp and Paper Industry
- Timothy N. Barry
- Dioxins and Paper Products: The Unnecessary Risk
- Dr. Paul Johnston et al
- Following the International Paper Trail
- Maryanne Greig – Gran
- Chintan
- Project on Availability and Utilization of Waste Paper, a Report Study on Tour to France and Japan
- Indian Handmade Paper, Souvenir Journal
- All India Handmade Paper Industries Association
- UNIDO in the Service of World Paper Industry Paperx 95 India (Souvenir Extracts)
- Dr. R.N. Viegas
- Paper Recycling – How Far Can We Go?
- Skogsindustrierna
- Annual Report of Indian Agro Paper Mills Association for the Year 2000-01
- Indian Agro Paper Mills Association
- Handmade Paper and Products, Exhibition; 14th -18th December, 1997
- Paperx 97
- All India paper Industries Association
- Khadi and Village Industries Commission
- The globalization of waste; December 2002
- Toxics Link
- Solid Waste Management and the Millennium Development Goals
- Kolhapur Municipal Corporation: Municipal Treatment and Disposal Project (Detailed Report); August 1998
- AIC Watson Consultations Limited
- A Complete Guide to Solid Waste Management
- Clean Bangalore
- Waste Management Approaches: Economic Implications
- Ravi Agarwal, Srishti June 1996
- Recommendations for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Tsunami Housing for Coastal Communities
- Zero Garbage Tour
- Rising from the Rags: The Waste Pickers in Nagpur City (A socio economic study of the lives and livelihood of waste pickers in Nagpur City)
- UMMEED - Workshop Dossier - Importance of Solid Waste Management in the City and Role of Waste Collectors (March 2011)
- Report of Solid Waste Management Study of Bharatpur, Rajasthan; March (1999)
- Submitted to UNDP-WB-WSP-SA
- Urban Waste and Soil Management: Improving Access and Opportunities in Hubli, Dharwad, India (August 2000)
- Environmental Improvement through Solid Waste and Public Health Management-Case Study on Post-plague Initiatives of Surat Municipal Corporation
- Archana Ghosh
- Workshop on Organizational Linkages and Networking for Swach Delhi (September 2000)
- Environment and Infrastructure
- Pimpri-chinchwad Municipal Corporation
- Intersection of Poverty and Solid Waste Management
- All India Institute of Local Self Government, Mumbai
- Improved Utilization of Urban Waste by Near-Urban Farmers in the Hubli Dharwad City Region
- Peri-Urban Interface Production System
- Research Natural Resources Systems Program
- Inception Report; May 1998
- Improving Municipal Solid Waste Management: Source Book for Policy Makers and Practioners
- Da Zhu et al
- Urban Innovations Transformation of Surat from Plague to Second Cleanest City in India
- H. M. Shivanand Swami et al
- Vijaywada Municipal Corporation at a glance
- Parivesh Solid Waste Management in Slaughter House; September 2004
- Solid Waste Management in Madras City; 1994
- R. Dhanalakshmi and Shobha Iyer
- Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management
- Final Report: Cuttack City Solid Waste Management
- prepared by Infrastructure Services Division
- Interim Report of the Committee
- constituted by the Honorary Supreme Court of India’s on Solid Waste Management in Class I Cities in India
- Project Feasibility Report On Upgradation of Solid Waste Management Practices in the City of Agra
- CTI Project
- Urban Solid Waste Management in Hiltowns
- Virinder Sharma
- India’s Cities After the Plague-What Next?
- Florian Steinberg
- Rubbish business in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab, India, Mar 1995
- Mireille Wosten
- [2]An Innovative Community Based Waste Disposal Scheme in Hyderabad
- Mareille Snel
- Journal of FKCCI- Mysore Commerce, Jan 1998
- Sunita Bhasin
- Action Points for Managing Municipal Solid Waste
- Solid Waste Management in Madras City- Case Study
- R. Dhanalakshmi and Shobha Iyer
- Upscaling People’s Participation in Urban Solid Waste Management – Constraints and Prospects
- Toxics link
- Statement of Qualification Company Profile
- Solid Waste Management in Class I Cities In India- Report; Mar 1999
- Strategic Planning Process for ISWM in Bangalore –Integrated Sustainable Waste Management
- National Workshop on Urban, Municipal and Industrial Wastes for Energy Recovery; 13th -14th Apr, 1994
- sponsored by MNES
- Municipal Solid Wastes Processing Technologies: Reference Manual for Local Bodies; Sept 2002
- Solid Waste Agra; Jan ‘2005
- CTI-Louis Berger Group Inc and USAEP
- The Stranger: Chlorine Industry in India
- Greenpeace
- Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Project in Agra City: Pre- feasibility Report; Aug ‘2004
- Waste Situation in India (An Outline); Mar ‘1996
- Bharati Chaturvedi and Ravi Agarwal
- 20th WEDC Conference – Colombo Sri Lanka 1994: Solid Waste Management in India
- A.P. Jain, G.B. Pant, India
- Metropolitan Solid Waste Management in India
- K.J. Nath
- Pay-As-You-Throw Lessons Learned About Unit Pricing
- USA Waste Inc- Fact Pack; July ‘1998
- [2] Guide to Environmental Issues; Apr ‘1995
- Julie Klaas Pangman
- Alternative approaches to Pollution Control And Waste Management
- Janis D. Bernstein, Urban Management Programme
- Private Sector Participation in Municipal Solid Waste Services in Developing Countries, Vol. 1, The Formal sector
- Sandra Cointreau
- Waste At Work: Prevention Strategies for the Bottom Line
- John P. Winter et al
- The Archaeology of Garbage
- William Rathje and Cullen Murphy
- 40 Ways to Make Government Purchasing Clean
- Eleanor J. Lewis and Eric Weltman
- Innovation, Leadership, Stewardship
- published by ILSR
- Consumers Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste
- Waste Reduction: Don’t Throw Away That Food Record Setters Project
- Strategies for Record – Setting Waste Reduction
- [2] Complex Recycling Issues: Strategies for Record Setting Waste Reduction in Multi-Family Dwelling
- Cutting the Waste Stream in Halves: Community Record Setters Show How
- Building Savings: Strategies for Waste Reduction of Construction and Demolition Debris from Buildings
- Biocycle Nationwide Survey: The State of the Garbage
- Inside Landfills: A Preliminary Report of the Garbage; Excavation At 5 Landfills
- W.L. Rathje et al
- Solid Waste Dilemma: An Agenda for Action
- final Report of the Municipal Solid Waste Task
- Force Office of Solid Waste
- Source Separation of Household Waste Materials: Analysis of Case Studies From Pakistan, India, Brazil, Argentina and The Netherlands
- Inde Lardinois and Christine Furedy
- Solid Waste Management in Latin America: The Role of Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives
- Jorge Arroyo Mozeno, Francisco Rivas Rios, Inge Lardinois
- The Garbage Book- Solid Waste Management In Metro Manila
- Mokattam Garbage Village Cairo, Egypt
- Laila R. Iskandar Kamel
- Waste Management and Low Waste Technologies – The German and Indian Experience; 28th -30th Sept, 1992
- Putting Integrated Sustainable Waste Management Into Practice: Using the ISWM Assessment Methodology; 2001-03
- Justine Anschutz
- Waste Management in China: Issues and Recommendations; Dec ‘2005
- Solid Waste Collection that Benefits the Urban Poor: Suggested Guidelines for Municipal authorities Under Pressure
- Dreaming Beyond the Ashes- Waste Between School and Poverty (Brochure)
- “Hormone copycats”: Emerging Issue of Chemicals and Endocrine Disruption
- National Guidelines on Solid Waste Management in Urban Areas and Industrial Centers of Vietnam
- Appendix A- Pilot Projects
- Appendix B- International Outlook
- Main Report- Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Ministry of Construction
- Solid Waste- The Private Sector and the Poor
- Enabling Communities and Micro-Enterprises to Improve Their Urban Environment
- The Usage of Effective Micro organic Technology in Processing Rubbish into Organic Dust Fertilizer
- Dr. Vu Hoan and Dr. Le Khac Quang
- Consultants Report on Refuse Collection in Hanoi, Vietnam, Apr ‘1995
- Michael Digregorio
- A Citizen’s Investigation of His Waste
- Managing Refuse in Hungary- Uncertain Standards
- The Green Office Manual: A Guide to Responsible Practice
- Alex Galloway, Wastebusters Ltd
- Ecological Waste Management Manual: Reduce (Segregate-Compost-Recycle)
- What a Waste: Solid Waste Management in Asia
- Daniel Hoornweg with Laura Thomas
- RA8749: The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 and Its Implementing Rules and Regulations
- Vietnam Environment Monitor 2004: Sold Waste
- A Reference Handbook for Trainers on- Promotion of Solid Waste Recycling and Reuse in The Developing Countries of Asia
- United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), Kenya
- Community based Solid Waste Management and Water Supply Projects: Problems and Solutions Compared (A Survey of the Literature); May ‘1996
- Justine Anschutz
- National Conference on Ecological Solid Waste Management; 14th -15th Apr, 2003
- Philippines International Convection Centre
- Solid Waste Management that Benefits the Urban Poor; 9th -14th mar, 2003
- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Urban Waste Economy in Vietnam; 22nd -25th Aug, 1994
- VIETPRO-2020
- Study on Solid Waste Management in the Municipality of Phnom Penh in the Kingdom of Cambodia (Draft); Jan 2005
- [2] Final Report
- Main Report
- The Torah Zabbaleen: From Tin Shacks…to High Rises
- Wendy Walker
- Garbage: Exploring Non-Conventional Options in Asian Cities
- Christine Furedy
- Earth Matters Vol.3, No. 1; Mar 2004 - Do Not Burn! - Office of the President of the Philippines
- The Economist; 5th -11th Oct, 1991
- Throwing Things Away
- Annual Review 2001 in Phnom Penh
- Community Sanitation and Recycling Organization
- Beyond Landfill: A Diverting Future, Vol. 1, 2010
- Task Force
- Chan Robles Virtual Law Library - Philippines
- Environment and Development Issues- 1992
- Tibet
- E.I. DuPont De Nemours and Company- Briefing Company
- T.P. Jones, Greenpeace, Ireland
- Futures Planning: Future Planning Research Conference - University of Sheffield; Mar, 1999
- Marketisation of Waste Disposal and Its Impact on Inter and Intra-Organizational - Relationship in Land Use Planning
- National Institutional Development for Solid Waste Management Goals and Actions, New Delhi, India; 8th -10th Oct, 1991
- Planning for Sustainable and Integrated Solid Waste Management (Workshop Report); 18th -21st Sept, 2000
- Adrian Coad, SKAT
- Performance of A Local Council in Solid Waste Management: A Study of Supervision and Control of Human Resources; Feb 1996
- Phang Siew Nooi and Malcum W. Norris
- Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
- Solid Waste Disposal and Control
- Report of A WHO Expert Committee
- The Great Quezon City Clean- Up: Solid Waste Management Practices
- Teresa Debuque
- The Role of Households and Livelihood System in Management of Solid Waste in South Asia, Vol.17, No. 3, Jan 1999
- Jo Beall
- 2004 Waste Not Asia Conference- Site Visit Kit (2004.6.23)
- Yale Working Papers on Solid Waste Policy
- Reid Lifset
- [2] Conceptual Issues and Experiences in Developing Countries; Dec 1991
- [2] Institutional AND Management Approaches to Solid Waste Disposal in Large Metropolitan Areas
- Carl R. Bartone
- Municipal Cleaning Authority of Warsaw
- Jan Ferenc and Bogdan Zuber
- National Institutional Development for Solid Waste Management Goals and Actions, New Delhi, India; Jan 1992
- Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Project for the Metropolitan Area of Medellen ,Colombia (Report), May/June; 1979
- Neil Seldman and Francisco Ospine
- Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Participate: Household Responsibility for Solid Waste Management in Failsalabad, Pakistan
- Jo Beall
- Solid Waste Management- The Manual
- Solid Waste Recovery, Reuse and Recycling: Formal and Informal Aspects of Production and Employment in Indian Cities
- Marijk Huysman and Isa Bund
- What is Rethman Actually?
- Municipal Cleaning Authority of Warsaw
- Jan Ferenc and Bogdan Zuber
- Waste Management Industries in Gdansk Alan Alek san and Marek Kostecki
- Vilnius City Municipality- Landfills: Problems and Decisions Kestutis Turonis and Vygiutas Marcinkeuicius
- Technical Guidelines on Waste Collected from Households Technical Working Group of the Basel Convection
- Solid Waste Management Strategy for Egypt, Sept 1997
- Health Environment For Children: Report For A Workshop , Pataya , Thailand; 3rd-5th Feb, 2003
– WHO.
- Environment and Urbanization- City Inequality , Vol. 8, No. 2; Oct 1996
– Tade Akin Aina et al
- IAQ Tools for Schools Managing Asthma in the School Environment
– EPA.
- Magazine – TozCat, Special Vol. 5, No. 2; Mar-Apr 2004.
- Magazine – TozCat, Special Vol. 5, No. 5; Sep-Oct 2004.
- Draft – The Environment Protects Our Health Can We Protect the Environment’s Health?
- compiled by HRIDAY, disseminated by SHAN with support from WHO
- Air Pollution & Human Health; Sep 2001
- Chemical Trespass: Pesticides in Our Bodies and Corporate Accountability; May 2004
– Kristin S. Schafer, Margaret Reeves, Skip Spitzer, Susan E. Kegley.
- Poisoned Schools: Invisible Threats Visible Action; March 2001
– Child Proofing Our Communities Campaign.
- Handbook On Integrated Management Of Childhood Illness 2000
- Integrated Management Of Childhood Illness; April 2001
– WHO.
- The Smokescreen Of Lies Myths & Facts About CNG; Aug 2001
– Right to Clean Air Campaign Team, CSE, New Delhi.
- Handbook of Pediatric Environmental Health
– Ruth A Etzel , Sophia J Balk American Academy of Pediatics.
- Pediatric Environmental Health Second Edition
- Ruth A Etzel , Sophia J Balk, American Academy of Pediatics.
- Folder: Philip J. Landrigan, Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
- Handbook: Using International Law and Institutions to Protect Children’s Environmental Health; March 31, 2005
– Physician’s for Social Responsibility CIEL.Children’s Health Article: Environmental Pollutanta & Disease In American Children – Philip J. Landrigan , Clyde B. Schechter , Jeffrey M Lipton , Marianne C Fahs & Joel Schwartz.
- Article: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Probed As Potential Pathways to Illness
– Richard Turbo.
- EWG Report Executive Summary: Body Binden – The Pollution in Newborns; July 14, 2005.
- Environmental Pediatrics and Its Impact on Good Health Policy
– Lynn Goldman , Henry Falk , Philip J. Landrigan , Spohie J Balk , J. Routt Reigart , Ruth A. Etzel.
- Children’s Environmental Health: Lessons from the Past and Prospects for the Future
- Philip J. Landrigan.
- Mini Monograph: Endocrine Disruptions in The National Children’s Study
- Philip J. Landrigan , Anjali Garg , Daniel B.J.Droller.
- Resource Book II (Part – I): Women, Environment and Community Participation: An Annotated Bibliography; Oct 1994
– Sarala Kumari, UMA Resource Centre
- Decentralization and its Implication for Urban Service Delivery
– William Dillinger.
- MSEs In Urban Environmental Improvement: Panacea Strategy or Transition Stage; May 2000
– Anne Scheinberg, Arnold Van De Klundert , Victoria Rudin.
- Environmental Enforcement: A Citizen’s Guide; March 1990
– EPA.
- RCRA: Reducing Risk from Waste; Sep 1997
– EPA.
- THE HINDU: Survey of the Environment; 1999.
- Guide to Environmental Issues; April 1995
– EPA.
- Abstracts: 4th International Conference on Environmental Education; 24th – 28th Nov, 2007
– CEE.
- Tibilisi To Ahmedabad: The Journey of Environmental Education
– A Sourcebook by Kartikeya V Sarabhai, Mamata Pandya, Rajeshwari Namagiri
- A Report on International Summit on Climate Change: We Cause Global Warming
– CMS Environment.
- Environmental Orientation to School Education: Some Experiences and Learnings – CEE.
- State of The Rivers In India: A Seminar Report
– CMS Environment.
- Programme Guide: 4th International Conference on Environmental Education; 26th -28th Nov, 2007
– CEE.
- Towards An Urban Revolution
– Justice J. Eswara Prasad.
- Slum Networking: An Innovative Approach To Urban Development
– BASHF (Building And Social Housing Foundation).
- The Child and the Law – Papers from The International Conference on Shaping the Future By Law: Children, Environment & Human Health , New Delhi , March 1994
- Water Laws: Course Material for The Diploma In Environmental Law
- CEL.
- Land Laws: Course Material for The Diploma In Environmental Law
- CEL.
- Wildlife Laws: Course Material for The Diploma In Environmental Law
- CEL.
- International Environmental Laws: Course Material for The Diploma In Environmental Law
– CEL.
- Air Laws: Course Material for The Diploma In Environmental Law
- CEL.
- Forest Laws: Course Material for The Diploma In Environmental Law
– CEL.
- Adivasi Rights: Environment and The Law ( Selected Readings)
– Compiled by Kalpuriksh.
- Adivasi Rights & The Law (Selected Readings)
– Compiled By Kalpuriksh.
- India’s Environment: Taking Stock of the Environment Action Programme – India; Jan 1996.
- Orientation Course On Child’s Rights, Policies and Legislation for Voluntary Organisation; 20-30 Sep, 1999 : (Compedium of Reading Material)
– National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development.
– Francis McManus.
- Inheriting the World: The Atlas of Children’s Health and The Environment
– Bruce Gordon, Richard Mackay , Eva Rehfuess.
- Hazardous Waste : Management & Handling Rules – Gazztte Of India ( Notification 28th July 1989)
– Ministry Of Environment & Forest.
- National Policy On Urban Street Vendors 2004
– Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Allevation.
- Draft National Urban Policy 2000
– Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Allevation; June 2000.
- Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling Rules ) 2000 : Notoification 25th Sep 2000
– Ministry Of Environment & Forest.
- Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Handling Rules) 1998: Notification 20th July 1998
- MoEM [3 Copies].
- The Gazette Of India Part II – Section 3 – Sub-section (ii).
- Legal Framework Regulating Solid & Hazardous Waste: What Is Waste
– Preeti, Centre for Environmental Law, WWI, India.
- Bill No. 8: The Delhi Plastic (Manufacture, Sale & Usage) and Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Control) Bill; 1999.
- Bill No. 18: The Delhi Plastic (Manufacture, Sale & Usage) and Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Control) Bill, 2000.
- Ordinance on the Avoidance & Recovery of Packaging Waste; 12 June 1991.
- Ordinance on the Avoidance & Recovery of Packaging Waste; 21 August 1998.
- Information: Enforcement Of The Recycled Plastics Manufacture & Usage Rules 1999
- Packaging Ordinance and International Trade: The Handling of Foreign Companies Export to the Federal Republic of Gerrmany In Accordance with the Packaging Odinance; 23 June, 1993.
- Act on Liability for Environmental Damage – Environmental Liability Act; 10th Dec, 1990.
- Packaging Legislation in Germany
- German Environmental Law – A Compass through the Legal Jungle.
- E-Waste Volume I: Inventory assessment Manual
– Compiled By UNEP.
- E-Waste Volume II: E-Waste Management Manual
– Compiled By UNEP.
- E-Waste In India: System Failure Imminent – Take Action Now?
– Toxics Link.
- E-Waste: Flooding the City of Joy
– Toxics Link.
- Electronic Waste Management In Costa Rica: System of the Methodology; Oct 2007
– Helga Arroyo Araya, Maritza Marin Araya, Victoria Rudin Vega.
- Exporting Harm: The High-Tech Trashing Of Asia; Feb 25, 2002
- Electronic Waste: EPA Needs to Better Control Harmful U.S. Exports through Stronger Enforcement and More Comprehensive Regulation; Aug 2008
– GAO.
- Draft Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of Electronic Waste.
- Mumbai: Choking On E-Waste – A Study On The Status Of E-Waste In Mumbai (Summary Report)
– Toxics Link.
- Toxics Dispatch Newsletter No. 30, June 2007
– Toxics Link.
- Voice and Data; Sep 2006: Silicon Calling India’s Chip Odyssey.
- Private Sector Involvement in Solid Waste Management: Avoiding Problems and Building on Successes
– Adrian Coad.
- Solid Waste Management Directory of Engineering Language Publications and Organization for Low and Muiddle Income Countries
– Adrian Coad.
- Waste Avoidance, Recycling and Disposal Act; 27 Sep 1994.
- Solid Waste Action Project Guidebook; August 1987.
- Integrated Sustainable Waste Managemnet: A Set of 5 Tools for Decision Makers Experiences From the Urban Waste Expertise Programme (1995-2001)
– Arnold Van De Klundert , Maria Muller , Anne Schienberg , Nadine Dulac , Justin Anschiitz , Lane Hoffman.
- Second General Administrative Provision on the Waste Avoidance and Waste Management Act of 12th March, 1992.
- WNA TAIWAN 2001: Waste Not Asia Annual Conference Agenda (26th -30th July 2001)
- GAIA Camapaigner; Jan-Dec, 2003, Vol. 3, Issue No. 1: Zero Waste Takes off in Japan.
- Compilation on Zero Waste Act 2001
– Michael Jessen.
- Discarding The Idea Of Waste: The Need for A Zero Waste Policy in British Columbia – Discussion Paper; May 24, 2000.
- Getting To Zero Waste: A Citizen’s Resource Recovery Strategy for Anyshize County Council; Oct 2001.
- The Weekly Reporter for National Resource Management - Waste Not : The 7 Year Index
– Paul and Ellen Connett.
- Wasted Opportunity: A Closer Look at Land filling and Incineration.
- Model Area: All About Zero Waste Management
– Nirmal.
- Office Matters: A Handy Manual for Reducing Every Office’s Ecological Footprint 2005
– CHINTAN - Bharti Waste Resource Centre.
- Resources Up In Flames: The Economic Pitfalls of Incineration versus a Zero Waste Approach in the Global South
– Brenda Platt.
- Zero Waste Campaign : Selected Media Clippings 2001 and Early 2002
– Robin Murray.
- Ezhilmighu Namakkal – 2003
- Facts And Figures: Frequently Asked Questions.
- Mansoor Ali
- Worms Eat My Garbage: How to Set up and Maintain a Worm Composting System
- Mary Appelhoff
- Municipal Solid Waste Conversion into Organic Manure
- Dilip Bhamawat and Lalit Mehta
- Urban Waste Derived Compost in Hanoi, Vietnam: Factors Affecting Supply and Demand
-Le Thi Huong
- Vermi Technology for Sustainable Development
-Professor Madhab C. Dash, Orissa Pollution Control Board
- Vermiculture Biotechnology for Waste Management
- [3] From Waste to Valuables: Future of Organic Food Waste
- Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use, Vol. IV
- Turning Waste into Resources
- U.S. Bhawalkar
- Use of Indigenous Materials for Accelerating Composting
- Accelerated Compost and Improved Yields
- International Research
- Composting Bio waste in Austria
- Composting Yard Trimmings and Kitchen Residuals in Baden- Baden
- Composting Food Poisoning Residuals
- Hydrocarbon Bioremediation with Compost
- Best Strategies for Bio Solids
- Converting Wet Organics With Anaerobic Digestion
- Construction of Insulated Compost Containers and Composting of Kitchen And Garden Waste in a Cold Climate
- The Big Backyard Composting Strategies in New York City
- [2] Summary of Markets for Compost
- The Worm Composting System
- Trees for Life (India)
- [2] The Home Warm Composting System
- Trees for Life (India)
- Adding Value to Composted Manure
- Eco Pure 1997
- The Orcazette, Vol.2, Issue 3; Aug 1994
- Environment Strategy Papers Private sector development and the environment.
- Alethea M.T. Abuyuan
- Pilot project for the promotion of environmental management in the private sector of developing countries. (Draft version) - May 1998
- Workshop on Managing Solid Waste: Public Private Interventions -30th Jan, 2001
- Solid waste management – A brief overview (by Environment committee)
- Solid waste management in Delhi (by Ravi Das and I.S. Tusaria)
- Urban waste: Status, trends and interventions (by Ravi Aggarwal)
- Approximate technique for municipal solid waste management in Delhi (by Sanjeev Kumar)
- Four innovative processes for garbage management (by Deepak Deewan)
- Solid waste management : A basic approach (by H.S. Bhatia)
- Delhi’s solid waste management : Emerging scenario and issue in managing solid waste in India. (by Irene Stephens and Meenakshi Singh)
- GIS for the solid waste management- a conceptual model (by Ruma Chakrabarty)
- Contact procurement solutions for public-private partnerships- 8th May, 1988
- by Elizabeth B. Bennett
- Public-private cooperation in the delivery of urban infrastructure services (water and waste)-Background paper; 9th Nov, 1998.
- Joint venture public- private partnerships
- Draft 11; 11th Oct, 1999
- Waste treatment technology transfer ‘98 - Activities and summary report (pilot project)
- Privatizing solid waste management in developing countries. Lessons learnt from private sector involvement in the delivery of solid waste collection and disposal services
- Public waste private enterprise An enquiry into the issue of integrating rag pickers into formal solid waste management system
- Bharati Chaturvedi
- Using public- private collaboration to improve the delivery of urban environmental services in developing countries-Supplementary reading; 2002
- Yale university
- Mixed capital public-private partnerships: conditions for success.
- Craig Hart
- Chapter on private sector factors
- Private sector participation in solid waste management
- Satpal Singh
- Legal theory and cooperation -10th May, 1999
- Maria Ivanova
- Working together to assist the urban poor “establishing an open community of practice for pro-poor public-private partnerships” - Executive Summary
- The private sector as a panacea and other myths
- Luis Gomez- Echeverri
- Dying From Dioxins - A Citizen’s Guide to Reclaiming Our Health and Rebuilding Democracy
- Lois Marie Gibbs
- The Basel Convection : A Global Solution for Controlling Hazardous Waste; 1977
- PARISARA- ENVIS newsletter; May 2007
- Mortal Risk in Bins
- Toxic Wastes and Race Revisited: An Update of the 1987 Report on Racial and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Communities with Hazardous Waste Sites
- Dr. Benjamin A. Goldman and Laura Fitton
- Report of the High Powered Committee on Management of Hazardous Wastes
- Volume 1
- Volume 2
- Volume 3
- Reprint of Rachel’s Hazardous Waste News # 263 ; 11th Dec, 1991
- Guidelines for Setting up of Operating Facility: Hazardous Waste Management
- by UNEP
- Implementing the Basel Ban : The Way Forward ; 18th Feb, 1995
- by Bakaray Kante
- Policy Issues And Options For Hazardous Waste Management
- by Dr. D.B. Boralkar; CPCB
- PVC Medical Devices Containing the Plasticizer DEHP: Guidelines for an Audit
- Poison Underfoot: Hazardous Chemicals in PVC Flooring and Hazardous Chemicals in Carpets (REPORT)
- Michelle Allosopp, David Santillo, Paul Johnston
- Building the Future- A Guide to Building Without PVC
- Kerry Rankine
- 50 Simple Things Your Business Can Do To Save the Earth
- Earthworks Group
- Remaking The Way We Make Things: Cradle to Cradle
- William McDonough and Michael Braungart
- EPR A Waste Management Strategy that Cuts Waste, Creates a Cleaner Environment and Saves Taxpayers Money
- Clean Production Action
- Profile + Process : A Project by CSE, ND to Study Corporate Environmental Responsibility
- by Ernest K. Belamide and Ermelina B. Mondyar
- Green Schools Programme: A Manual to Assess the Green Performance of Your School
- Directions, Innovations Strategies for Harnessing Action
- by R.K. Batra
- Trash To Cash: How Business Can Save Money and Increase Profits
- Fran Berman
- Products From Waste (project report)
- Erwin Boman
- Rethink Your Bottom Line: A Resource Guide for Alameda County Business to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
- A Summary Analysis Regarding The Administration of the Waste In Bucharest Municipality
- by Adrean Pantazescu and Georgeta Tache
- Tartu- Second Largest in Estonia: General Profile
- by Irja Alakivi
- [2]Waste Incineration: A Dying Technology
- by Neil Tangri ; GAIA
- [2]Putting Out The Flames: Campaign Guide To Fight Incinerators
- Toxicslink
- Conference of Mayors and Municipal Commissioners on-Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies as Means of Improving Waste Management Practices; 9th Feb, 1996 (Background Information)
- Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
- [4] Resources Up In Flames: The Economic Pitfall of Incineration versus A Zero Waste Approach in Global South
- Brenda Platt
- No Fire Without Smoke: A Critical Look At Municipal and Hazardous Waste Incineration; March 1996
- Bharati Chaturvedi and Ravi Aggarwal
- Let The Earth Breathe…Stop Incineration! ; 1989
- Lone Dybkjaer; Greenpeace
- ET
- Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators: A Decision Makers Guide
- T. Rand, J. Houkohl, U. Marxen
- An Environmental Review of Incineration Technologies: A Technical Report; Oct 1986
- Institute for Local Self Reliance
- [2] Waste to Energy (Fact sheet No. 15/ March 2002) Indian Garbage: Should Energy Be The Driving Concern?
- by Toxics link
- [2] GAIA Campaigner (July-Sept 2001, Vol.1, No.1)
- Incinerator Emissions and Shrinking Genitals
- [2] GAIA Campaigner (Oct-Dec 2001, Vol.1, No. 2)
- Belgium Study Affirms Incinerator-Cancer Link
- Technical Guidelines on Incineration on Land; Sept 1995
- Technical Working Group of The Basel Convection
- Greenpeace Toxics: Hazardous Waste Incinerators; Apr 1985
- EPA Science Advisory Boards
- Inventory –Packaging, Recovery and Recycling in Europe Implementation of the European Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste; Dec 1998
- Christiana Hagengut
- Recyclable Waste Business for Sustainable Development (Wongpanit Garbage Recycling Separation Plant)
- Somthai Wongcharoen
- Wasting and Recycling In the US- 2000
- Brenda Platt and Neil Seldman
- Packaging Recycling : Techniques and Trends; Aug 1998
- by Edelhoff
- A Tale of Trash (Survey of the materials, people and economies involved in the recycling trade in Delhi)
- by Bharati Chaturvedi
- Recycled Rags Renewed Lives
- Benedict Faccini
- Recycling Organic Waste: From Urban Pollutant to Farm Resource (Introduction)
- Gary Gardner
- BMW Recycling: Environmentally Compatible Product Design
- ENVICO (is working for the people, society and environment for a better future)
- Korea Environment Corporation
- A Rapid Assessment Survey of the Health And Environmental Impacts of Solid Waste Recycling- Final Report; Mar 1996
- by Direct Initiative for Social And Health Action, Calcutta
- Recycling Responsibility: Traditional System and New Challenges of Urban Solid Waste in India – Report; June 2002
- Srishti
- Final Progress Report on Popularisation of Recycled Material in Himachal Pradesh ; Mar 1996-Mar1997
- Jan Sewa Ashram
- Duales System Deutschland
- Mass Flow Verification 1998 [Mass Flow Verification 1997-in drawer#30]
- Der Grune Punkt
- Graffiti-Beseitigung Und- Pravention; ALBA Magazine; Apr 1999
- Waste and Recycling Management of Tokyo 23 Cities 2004
- Strategic Environmental Assessment- Concept and Practice; June 2005
- Kulsum Ahmed, Jean-Rogger Mercier and Rob Verheem
- Lets Be Clear- 2002 Global Corporate Citizenship Report
- Motorola
- Waste Handlers and Recycling in Urban India: Policy, Perception and the Law
- Bharati Chaturvedi
- Women on Waste Collection and Recycling in Hochiminh City
- Rekha Mehra
- The Occupational Health Aspects of Waste Collection and Recycling-An Inventory Study in India; Sept 1997
- UWEP Working Document 4-Part II
- Quality and Environment Management at the Recycling Centre
-Christian Bohm
- Consultants Report on Recycling in Hanoi, Vietnam; Apr 1994
- Michael Digregoria
- Aborjona O Paribesh- A Newsletter on Waste Management and Recycling in Bangladesh; 2nd June, 1999
- Recycling: A Natural Response of India’s Solid Waste Problem; Jan 1993
- Nancy L. Galloway
- Industrial Waste Management and Recycling Technology
- Auermann
- Duales System Deutschland
- Recycling Dates: Techniques and Trends
- Der Grune Punkt
- Recycling of Plastics Sales Packaging
- collected by Duales System Deutschland
- The Colour of Competence: Orange
- Good House Keeping: Common sense Measures for Obtaining Costs Savings and Reducing Negative Environmental Impacts by Small and Medium Sized Enterprise
- The Recycler’s Handbook : Simple Things You Can Do
- The Earth Works Group
- Integrated Resource Recovery Recycling from Municipal Refuse: A State of The Art Review and Annotated Bibliography
- Sandra Johnson et al, UNDP
- National Geographic: Recycling, Jul 1994, Vol.186, No.1
- Warmer Bulletin, May 1996, No. 49 Glan Reuse and Recycling
- Slovakia (publication) No.11, Vol.11, 1994
- The Economist, 13-19 Apr, 1994 Recycling Rubbish (pages 19-22)
- Waste Recycling, Apr-June 1994
- UNEP Industry and Environment
- False Economy: Folly of Demand-Side Recycling
- Christopher Boerner and Kenneth Chilton
- The Sudden New Strength of Recycling
-John Young
- Seminar on Urban Waste Recycling: Economic and Practical Options for Calcutta (Theme Paper)
- Nodal Research Centre
- Waste Not, Want Not : “Vietnam invented recycling before the rest of the world even heard of it”
- Michae Digregorio
- Detailed Project Report on- Waste Minimization and Management Project with Special Emphasis on Recycling of Non-biodegradable and Treatment of Biodegradable Garbage in Residential Colonies of Delhi; June 2003
- by Gargi College
- Toxic Hotspots: A Greenpeace Investigation of
- Hindustan Insecticides Ltd., Udyogmandal, Kerela; Dec 1999
- Gujarat Industrial Estates; Dec 1999
- [2] Homicide by Pesticides: What Pollution Doe to Our Bodies State of the Environment Pollution series
- by Anil Agarwal, CSE
- Cloning Bhopal: Exposing the Dangers in Delhi’s Environment, Dec 1999
- Toxics link
- Persistent Organic Pollutants and Human Health- A Publication by World Federation of Public Health Association’s Persistent Organic Pollutants Project, May 2000
- Pesticides and Human Health: A Resource for Health Care Professionals
- Our Stolen Future: How Man Made Chemicals are Threatening
- Theo Colborn et al
- The Toxics File: A Resource Manual for Fighting Waste
- Volume 2
- Volume 1 [in drawer #33]
- Triana Silton
- Home Safe Home: Hundreds of Inexpensive do-it-yourself Formulas and Mail Order Sources
- Debra Lynn Dadd
- Indian Toxicology Research Centre, Luckhnow- Annual Report 2001-02
- Sikandar Ali
- When Trade is Toxic: The WTO Threat to Public and Planetary Health
- Jim Puckett
- Who Bears the Cost? - Industrialization and Toxic Pollution in the Golden Corridor of Gujarat; Feb 1999
- Indian Peoples Tribunal on Environment and Human Rights
- Report on the Union Carbide Corporation: Fact Finding Mission on Bhopal
- Appendix 2
- Appendix 3
- Thomas Mac Sheoin
- Sustainable Waste Management E-mail photocopy
- from Ralph Ryder
- Lurking Menace: Mercury in the Health Care Sector
- Toxics link
- Scientific Evidence on Adverse Effects of Fluorides; Octn1998
- prof. (Dr.) A.K. Susheela
- Toxic Waste Trade- Primer
- Public Interest Research Group
- Greening the Lead Acid Battery Sector: Structure Problems and Needs (A Report)
- Arjun Dutta, Cuts
- Toxics Digest; 26-28 July, 2002
- Community Health Environmental Survey Skillshare
- [Photocopy in drawer#33]When the Birds Stop Singing- A study of the impact of pesticides
- K.P. Sasi
- A Constituent Laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-Annual Report 2001-02
- Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Lucknow
- Toxics Terror-Dumping of Hazardous Waste in the Third World
- Third World Network
- Trojan Horses- Persistent Organic Pollutants Report in India, Nov 2000
- Srishti-Toxics link
- Case Studies on PEH: Workshop on PEH; 14th -15th Oct,2002
- IAP Delhi, WHO, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
- Tough Women Against Toxics: Empowering Ourselves
- Robil Lee Zeff et al
- Proceedings of the Community Health Environment Survey Skill share; 26th -28th July, 2002
- Toxic Legacies; Poisoned Futures Persistent Organic Pollutants in Asia, Nov 1998
- Von Hernandez and Nityanand Jayaraman, Greenpeace
- The Bhopal Legacy Toxic Contaminants at the Formal Union Carbide Factory Site, Bhopal, India: 15 Years after Bhopal Accident
- Labunska et al
- The Space Within Which We Function-Annual Report 2003-2004
- Toxics link
- Poison versus Nutrition: A Briefing Paper on Pesticide Contamination and Food Safety; August 2004
- The Impact of Toxics on Biodiversity in India- A second Literature Review Undertaken for NBSAP
- by Chintan Environmental Action and Research Group
- Mercury in Hospital Indoor Air: Staff and Patients at Risk; Jan 2007
- Toxics link
- Heavy Burden- A Case Study of Lead Waste Impacts into India
- Greenpeace
- Arrested Development: The Impact of Pesticides on Children’s Health and Development (study)
- Greenpeace
- The Global Movement of Mercury- Free Health Care
- Health Care without Harm
- Industrial Toxicology Bulletin
- Vol. 24, No.1, 2003
- Vol. 24, No.2, 2003
- Minutes of the Meeting of the Core Group on Batteries Held on 1st Feb, 2002 - Dated 27.3.2003
- Chapter on Industrial Hazards and Human Rights; 1996
- Permanent People’s Tribunal
- Group work
- Testimonies: Chernobyl 10 Years After
- Treatment of Contaminated Soil (Summary); Sept 1995
- Technical University of Hamburg- Harburg
- Not So Inert After all! Fly ash: An Environment and Health perspective; Sept 1997
- A Toxics Link Briefing paper
- Taking Back “Our Stolen Future”- Second Quarter; November 8, 1996
- Greenpeace
- Toxics link folder (Mercury)
- Mercury in health care (Policy Paper)
- Mercury: Poison in our neighborhood
- Mercury: Tiny Drops that kill
-Fact Sheet, No. 17, February 2003
- Mercury: The treat is rising
-Newsletter from Srishti
- Toxics link folder (Mercury)
- CSE Fact Sheet 1: Mercury and its impact on health
- 15) Mercury pollution in India: The Road Map needed
- Impact of Mercury Pollution on human health
- JS Chopra and Prof. Emeritus
- Some Mercury hotspots in India (in water and soil)
- Mercury pollution in India: Inventory and hotspots
- Global Mercury assessments: Indian scenario
- Kishore Kumar Wankhade
- National workshops on managing the demand cycle on Mercury: Indian and
International perspectives
- Report of the visit of SCMC to Tamil Nadu; 20th -22nd Sept, 2004
- Basel Action Network, 18 December 1997 - Briefing paper No. 4, 5, 6, 7
- Mercury migration series-
- Ending Mercury use in artisanal gold mining
- Byproduct Mercury: A forgotton source of a global poision
- Fish that feeds us are killing us
- Lead and cadmium in soft plastic toys
- Abhay Kumar and Prashant Pastore
- Bio-medical waste fact sheet No. 20, March 2004: Impact of needlestick injuries
on health care workers
- Bio-medical waste fact sheet No. 19, October 2003: Non-incineration treatment
technologies for rural areas
- Medical Fact sheet, December 2002. The last mile: Reaching Rural India
- Bio-medical waste fact sheet No. 28, July 2006: Concerns and management
- Toxics dispatch - Newsletter from Toxics Link No. 16, July 2002: Corporate attack on public hearing process
- Toxics dispatch - Newsletter from Toxics Link No. 13, October 2001: A landfill in the midst of Asola forest
- Sources of POP and its management in Nepal
- International POP Elimination Project
- POPs elimination – the Case in Sri Lanka
- Netting persistent pollutants
- Keep your home pesticide free
- Green facts – information on dioxins furans and other topics
- POP Fact Sheet No. 18, Oct 2003: Fighting the menace of POP’s
- Organochlorine residues in waters of Keolado National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan
- Dioxin factories: A summary of reported industrial releases of dioxin in NSW
- Organizing Too Box: Blitzing the PTA
- Michael King
- Testimony on dangers and hazards of pesticides on women pesticide sprayers in
plantations, Malaysia
- Endosufan poisoning in Kasargod, Kerala, India: Report of a fact finding mission
- Health effects of pesticides on farmer IRRI workers
- Poisoned and silenced: Report on study of pesticide poisoning in the plantation
- Toxics dispatch - A newsletter from toxics link: A landfill in the midst of Asola forest
- Toxics dispatch - A newsletter from toxics link: Challenges of Rural immunization waste management
- Med waste update - A newsletter from Srishti: Mercury the threat is rising
- Kamukhaan report on poisoned village
- The impart of pesticide on people and ecosystem (LMIPPE) (report II): Preliminary findings of the aerial spraying of endosulfan on the people in Kasaragod, Kerala,India
- Waste Disposal in Engineered Landfills
– Manoj Dutta.
- Observation of Solid Waste Landfills in Developing Countries: Africa, Asia and Latin America.
- Guidance Notes on Leachate Management for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
- Guidance Note on Recuperation of Landfill Gas from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.
- Development of Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Processing and Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility(ies) for The City ff Delhi; February 2005 Request for Qualification Document
- Waste Management Series Minimum Requirement for Waste Disposal by Landfill
–Department of Forest Affairs And Forestry; 1998
- Preliminary Assessment Of Landfill Biogas Project Opportunities, Okhla Landfill, Delhi , India
- Emerging Experiments in Medical Waste Management in India; February 2000
– Srishti.
- Suggested Guiding Principles and Practices for the Sound Management of Hazardous Hospital Waste
- WHO.
- Medical Waste Treatment Technologies: Evaluating Non-incineration Alternatives; May 2000
– Health Care without Harm.
- Hospital Sanitation Digest, Volume 1, No. 1; 2001 Special Issue on- “Implementation Strategies and Innovations in Hospital Sanitation and Waste Management.
- An Indicative List of Consulting Organization Relating to Management of Bio-medical Waste.
- Delhi: Mismanaging Hospital Waste - Satpal Singh.
- Household Hazardous Waste: Its Time to Regulate This Hazard- Factsheet Toxics Link No. 32; October 2008.
- Toxics Dispatch: A Newsletter from Toxics Link- No. 34; October 2008
- Bio Medical Waste: No Time to Waste.
- Food For Thought: Issues of Food Safety; Toxics Link, Factsheet No. 36 ; October 2008.
- Packaging India Bi-Monthly Vol. 32, No. 1; April – May 1999.
- Packaging Recycling Techniques and Trends
–Der Grune Punkt –Duales System Deutschland.
- Plastics Packaging 1998: International Packaging Conference; 25th -26th September 1998
– Organized by Indian Plastics Institute.
- Asian Packaging: The Complete Magazine on Packaging Industry ; January 2000.
- Intel pack : Vol. V, No.3; Oct-Dec 1999
– A Quarterly Packaging Update
- Intel pack : Vol. V, No.4; Jan- Mar 2000
– A Quarterly Packaging Update.
- Packaging India Bi-monthly: Vol. 28, No.4; Oct-Nov 1995.
- Packaging India Bi-monthly: Oct- Nov 1998.
- Packaging India Bi-monthly: Vol. 31, No.1; Apr-May 1998.
- Packaging India Bi-monthly: Vol. 32, No.2; Jun-Jul 1999.
- Packaging India Bi-monthly: Vol. 31 No.5; Dec 1998- Jan 1999.
- LCA of Recycling and Recovery of Households Plastic Waste Packaging Materials (Summary Report).
- LCA Of PP-HDPE Woven Sacks vis-à-vis Jute /Paper Sacks In Terms of Environmental Studies
- Packaging Recovery and Recycling in Europe: Implementation Of The European Directives on Packaging and Packaging Waste Inventory; Sep 1997
– Christina Hangengut.
- Series of 6 Booklets On Environmental Sustainability –
- Water & I
- Waste & I
- Climate Change & I
- Biodiversity & I
- Energy & I
- Citizenship & I.
- Don’t Throw Away That Food: Strategies for Record Setting Waste Reduction
– EPA.
- Lesser Plastics for a Better Future
- Jute: A Potential Fiber for Pulp and Paper Making
– Innovative Research Work at CPPRI.
- From Waste To Valuables: The Future of Organic Food Wastes
- The Berkeley Kids Meet Mother Nature and the Recycloners (Comic Book)
– By Nancy Gorrell.
- The Plum Street Kids Meet The Recycloners
– Nancy Gorrell (Comic Book).
- Community Action: To Reduce the Harm Caused by Health Care Waste and Incineration in South Africa
–Ground Work.
- Someday There Will Be No Such Things As Trash (Folder).
- Solidarity in Sustainable Recycling
- Green Cities: Plan for the Planet –World Environment Day; 5 June, 2005.
- Why Should You Care About Preventing Waste? -July 2001
- Reclaiming Recyclables – Eliminating Pollutants- Utilising Energy: The Thermal Waste Recycling Plant.
- International Labour Organisation: International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) - Nepal.
- Situation of Child Rag pickers: A Rapid Assessment
– Bal Kumar KC.
- Waste Disposal Workshop 1998 Report – Upgrading Options for Lower and Middle Income Countries; 8th -11th, Sep 1998
- Belohorizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
- Workshop Report – Solid Waste Collection that Benefits The Urban Poor; 9th -14th March, 2003
- Dar es Salaam , Tanzania.
- The Informal Solid Waste Sector in Egypt: Prospects of Formalization; January 2001
– CID.
- Economic Aspects of Informal Sector Activities in Solid Waste Management (Final Report); 31st Oct, 2006
- Social Platforms through Social Innovations – A Coalition with Women in The Informal Sector
- Working Women Forum (India).
- Informal Recycling Sector: Environment and Occupational Health – National Health Assembly, Bhopal; 24th March, 2007
- Informal-Formal: Creating Opportunities for the Informal Waste Recycling Sector in Asia
- Shelter Publication, Vol. 7, No.2, April 2004: Special Issue on Best Practices on Sustainable Human Settlement and Ring Environment.
- Waste pickers In Dhaka Using the Sustainable Livelihood Approach: Key Findings And Field Notes
– Jonathan Rouse and Mansoor Ali.
- Holy Yamuna: New Dawns and the Tragedy of Governance; March 2004
– Hazard Centre.
- Wasting Away : A Study of The Health Status of Waste pickers in Delhi; 2003
- Report on Scrap Collectors, Scrap Traders and Recycling Enterprises in Pune
- Sewa Mandir Working Paper Series; 1993 -Peaceful Revolution Series
– Gregory Jones.
- Sewa Mandir Annual Report 2003-04.
- Rights First: Together to End Poverty and Patriarchy (Country Strategy Paper III) ;2005-10
– Action Aid.
- Abstract on Design and Construction of Buildings
– Claus Pilvany.
- Catalogue 2006-2007: The Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
- Ecology 2000: The Changing Face of Earth
– edited by Sir Edmund Hillary.
- Children In The New Millennium: Environmental Impact On Health; 2002
- Green Voice; Jan-Mar, 2005: News Letter on Environment and Media
- Composite Report on the Recommendations of the Standing Committee of Secretaries (SCOS) for Development of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep.
- India Today – Independence Day Special Issue (1947-2002): 55 Things That Make India Proud.
- Feedback of the Najafgarh Industrial Area Visit; 21st Oct 2004.
- Minute Recorded of the presentation on - Space for Waste; 23rd Sep, 2004.
- Measuring India’s Progress on The Millennium Development Goals: A Citizen’s Report; Dec 2007
– A Wada Na tado Abhiyan.
- Environment and Health Sourcebook; Nov 2000
– Toxics Link.
- Action Points for Managing Municipal Solid Waste; Jan 1998
- Management of Municipal Solid Waste
- Management Of Municipal Solid Waste Presentation Copy
- Solid Waste Management: Report of a Regional Consultation, New Delhi; 8th -11th Oct, 1991
– WHO.
- An Indicative List of Consulting Organization Relating to Management of Municipal Solid Waste
- Decentralized Waste Management.
- Status of Solid Waste Generation, Collection, Treatment and Disposal in Metro Cities
- Action Plan for Management of Municipal Solid Waste
– Bharat Dogra.
- HUDCO’S Role in Solid Waste Management.
- Financial Institution Reforms and Expansion Project: Private Sector Participation in Solid Waste Collection and Transportation (Draft); June 1997
– Chetan Vaidya.
- Energy Developments Conference on Solid Waste Management; 21st June 2002, New Delhi.
- Checklist of Some Major Issues in Municipal Solid Waste Management in India for Guidance of Working Group.
- Chapter on Solid Waste Draft; Sep 2000.
- Solid Waste Management Practices in India: Problems and Prospects
– MP Mathur.
- Seminar on Solid Waste Management: Developing Countries Prospective and Need for Development of Waste Management Industry in India.
- Solid Waste Industry Update
- Report on Sub-group or Urban Municipal Waste Management; July 1990
– Ministry of Urban Development.
- Solid Waste Management: An Introduction – Indian Environmental Society.
- Solid Waste Management: Compendium Of Environmental Cases 28th Sept,1996
- D.C. Pandey, Ishwar Singh, Velma T Grouis, Hotel Ashok) –National Council of
Development Community
- Common Ground: A Triannual Report on Germany’s Environment; 3/98.
- In The Mouth of the Dragon Toxic Fires in the Age of Plastics
– Debozah Wallace.
- Small Scale Recycling of Plastics
– Jom Vogler Book
- Agra Municipal Reform Project: Draft Final Report / Vol. I
– IPE.
- Managing Hospital Waste: A Guide for Health Care Facilities
– Megha Kele , Samir Nazaruth , Ravi Aggarwal.
- Hospital Waste: Time to Act
– Srishti’s Factsheets on 14 Priority Areas (June 2002).
- Green: A quarterly Newsletter March 2007 Vol. 2 Issue 1.
- Green: A quarterly Newsletter; Sep 2007, Vol. 2, Issue 2
– Distillery Special.
- Environment and Urbanization: City in Equality, Vol. 8, No. 2; Oct 1996.
- Clean India Journal; Aug 2005, Vol. 5, Issue 8.
- Guidance Manual on Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes
- Parisara ENVIS Newsletter: State of Environment Related Issues – Bio fuel, Vol. 1 No. 3; Oct 2005.
- Parisara ENVIS Newsletter: Build Well With Waste – Eco-friendly Construction Material, Vol. 2 No; 9 Feb, 2007.
- Parisara ENVIS Newsletter: Utility Bonanza From Dust, Vol. 2, no. 6; Jan 2007.
- Pollution: Transport Fuel Adulteration; July 2003
- Parivesh Newsletter: Zoning Atlas for Siting of Industries
- Panda WWF – India Newsletter Dec 2005: Conservation and Free Market Environmentalism.
- Planet Earth July 2009: Organic Outweighed.
- Planet Earth Aug 2009: Shaken Not Stirred.
- Planet Earth- Pollution Impregnates the Womb: Babies at Risk; Mar 2009
- Planet Earth May 2009: Siphoning the Spill.
- Abarjona O Paribesh: A Newsletter on Waste Management and Recycling in Bangladesh, Issue 3; Oct 1999.
- Summary of Markets for Scrap Tires: The Role of Markets in Recycling
– EPA.
- Appropriate Business Skills for Third World War – Doing A Feasibility Study: Training Activities for Starting or Reviving a Small Business
– Suzzanne Kindervatter
- The Sustainability Partners
- SME Financing and Development Project.
- Gender, Environment and Development in Vietnam
– Diana Baxter.
- Down To Earth- Science & Environment Fortnightly: Wasted Potential Of Waste.
- Source Bulletin Waste and Sanitation News – Nepal: Pee Proudly For Healthy Vegetables.